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Image by Dylan Gillis



Our Intensive course is comprised of two semesters and a Summer ministry emphasizing practical ministry. The Bible Institute is a one-year, non-degree-granting institution whose high academic standards are recognized by most Christian colleges.


Whether the Lord leads a student to the mission field, the ministry, a trade, business, a profession, or any other field of endeavor, in the light of eternity, the most important issue is how effective that person is for the Lord. Effectiveness in Christian service is measured by the influence that is exerted in the lives of others to lead them to Christ or to help them toward spiritual maturity.



Total Course Hours: 16

Old Testament Survey


This course conducts an overview of the Bible from Genesis to Malachi. Pertinent background and introductory material is covered. The theme and main teaching of each book are considered. The particular contribution of each book to the Canon is noted. Time permitting, difficult or vital passages of each book are explained.


Theology I


This course includes Theology Proper, Bibliology, Anthropology, Hamartiology,  and Christology.


General Epistles 


The student will study 1 Peter or 2 Peter/Jude, James, and Hebrews with 10 lectures for each book. 1 Peter & 2 Peter/Jude reveal the heart of Peter and exhort believers to endure in the Christian life. James is a personal challenge to a pure Christian life. Hebrews is an explanation of the superiority of Christ as taught in light of the background of the book of Leviticus. The New Covenant is a major emphasis.


Old Testament Exposition I


Genesis 1-11: Ten lectures will place special emphasis on the literal interpretation of Genesis 1-11. Students are introduced to the four key events of early human history: Creation, The Fall, The Flood, and The Tower of Babel.


Exodus: Ten lectures will offer an overview of the entire book of Exodus focusing on God’s plan for leadership, ministry, deliverance, holiness, and worship.


Leviticus: In ten lectures a thorough description of the Old Testament sacrificial system and religious practices connected with the holy days are presented.


Judges/Ruth:   Through 10 lectures the spiritual decline of Israel under the judges is noted. The cycle of sin and redemption is explained, and God’s redemptive plan is exemplified in Ruth.


Joshua: The 10 lectures will offer an overview of the entire book of Joshua focusing on God’s plan for battle, victory, and consistency in the believer’s life.


Ezra:  Ten lectures will be spent examining the spiritual leadership principles found in Ezra.


Gospels Exposition I


Matthew:   The 20 lectures in Matthew study the life and ministry of Christ from the Jewish perspective.


Bible Study Methods


This course is an introduction to inductive Bible study, designed to help students observe, interpret (hermeneutics), and apply Scripture first and foremost to their lives and then to the lives of those they serve and teach.


Acts & Evangelism


Acts: The 20 lectures in Acts trace the start of the Church and emphasize the evangelistic techniques of the Apostles.


Evangelism: This course is designed to prepare every student to share his/her faith in Jesus Christ clearly, simply, and boldly wherever there is an opportunity to share for God's glory. The course involves open-air evangelism.  


Biblical Counseling


Introduction to Biblical Counseling: Ten lectures will be invested in developing a biblical basis for counseling and giving guidance in the counseling process. The Nouthetic model of Biblical Counseling is explained and promoted. Students receive practical applications through camp counseling during this semester.


Missions Exploration


Mission Trip: A seven-day Missions Research trip to Thailand which provides students with first-hand and hands-on experiences on the mission field where missions organizations and missionaries are operating. Additionally, a biographical study is completed on the life and work of a missionary. These experiences are designed to encourage students to consider ministry as a viable and rewarding career path in which to serve our Lord.


Christian Disciplines I


The purpose of this course is to provide for the staff and student a means by which the student’s personal disciplines and ministry participation may be evaluated as observed. The course involves academic and practical assignments, plus evaluation of personal growth.   


Physical Education


PE consists of each student obtaining an average of 50,000 steps per week. Additional points are given for supervised group activities.


Total Course Hours: 18

New Testament Survey 


This course conducts an overview of the Bible from Matthew to Revelation. Pertinent   background and introductory material is covered. The theme and main teaching of each book are considered.  The particular contribution of each book to the Canon is noted. Time permitting, difficult or vital passages of each book are explained.


Theology II 


This course includes Soteriology, Angelology, Pneumatology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology.


Daniel & Revelation 


Daniel: Many of the foundations of Dispensationalism can be traced to this book. Through 10 lectures special attention is devoted to the role of a strong testimony in a decadent society.


Revelation: The signs and symbols of this prophetic book are presented within a dispensational framework in 20 lectures.


Pauline Epistles I 


Philippians: Ten lectures are devoted to this Epistle, which is a word of encouragement and comfort expressing how believers can pattern their thinking and behavior after Jesus Christ and find lasting joy and contentment.


Galatians: Ten lectures are devoted to this Epistle, which provides warnings against the dangers of mixing works with grace, and challenges believers to godly Christian living through the power  of the indwelling Spirit.


Ephesians: Ten hours will be spent studying the book of Ephesians.  In addition to noting Paul’s revelation of the mystery of the Church of Jesus Christ, we will examine his teaching on the believers’ possessions, position, and power in Jesus Christ and how we can activate these resources for effective Christian living.  We will also place particular emphasis on the section of the epistle which describes God’s design for marriage, undoubtedly the most important biblical text on the subject.




Romans: This 20-hour course is designed to enable students to understand the background, logic, theology, and practical application of the letter to the Romans and to help prepare them to effectively communicate the truth of this epistle with confidence and conviction, empowering them for more meaningful service.  


I Timothy / Titus:  The 10 lectures in 1 Timothy and Titus are taught with the goal of showing the exegetical basis for church organization and function. Special emphasis is placed on the qualifications for elders and deacons.


Old Testament Exposition II 


Psalms: Ten hours will be spent studying the Book of Psalms in a survey approach. We will give an overview of this strategic book so that the student will understand its significance in the lives of the Chosen People of Israel and also the richness of it in the life of believers throughout the ages since this Scripture was penned.


Proverbs: In this 10-hour class the student is introduced to Old Testament wisdom literature in ten lectures. Proverbs is a source of practical, relevant wisdom for everyday life and interpersonal relationships.


Ecclesiastes: Ten lectures will be spent examining a piece of Old Testament wisdom literature which provides surprisingly contemporary evaluations of the cycles of life and the futility of living apart from the divine point of view.


Bible Geography & Backgrounds 


The purpose of this course is to study the land of Israel in order to better understand the Bible in its original geographic and historical settings. Five hours will be spent studying the geography of Israel with particular attention being given to the ways in which the topography of the land influenced the events recorded in Scripture.  Following this, students will participate in a ten-day guided study trip to Israel. Additional lectures will be given at various sites throughout the country.


Christian Disciplines II 


The purpose of this course is to provide for the staff and student a means by which the student’s personal disciplines and ministry participation may be evaluated as observed. The course involves academic and practical assignments plus evaluation of personal growth.   


Physical Education


PE consists of each student obtaining an average of 50,000 steps per week. Additional points are given for supervised group activities.


Total Course Hours: 3

Camp Counseling 


The counseling classes at WOL Korea, WOL NY, WOL FL, or WOL Canada, along with the counseling experience at any of the WOL Camps create the basis for this course, worth two (2) semester hours if all requirements are met.


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Admissions Office: +82-799-3707

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Jeju-si Jeju-do South Korea 63037

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